Louder Than Words The B Corp Festival Sep 10 - 11. Oxford, UK Agenda Buy Tickets
Louder Than Words The B Corp Festival Sep 10 - 11. Oxford, UK.
Audience Size: Up to 35 View map Buy Tickets View full agenda

Against all the Odds – becoming a B Corp within the Built Environment

Hosted by: Energylab Consulting Ltd. Leading the change Audience Size: Up to 35 View map Buy Tickets View full agenda

What to expect?

An interactive and collaborative session telling the story of our journey as one of the first building services design practices to become B Corp in the UK. Including tangible examples of how our small but intentionally diverse team of engineering professionals are pulling together to ensure the business operates as an unstoppable force for good. Hear directly from our Founding Director, Marian Ferguson who has for decades bucked the construction industry trend as one of very few female design engineers. Marian’s story shows that when vision, skill and determination combine, anything is possible, inspiring others to lean into challenges, ignore the naysayers and keep the faith that change is possible.

Why join this session?

As well as sharing our story on becoming a B Corp SME in the construction industry, we want to hear from you about your successes, challenges and aspirations for the future of the B Corp movement. This will be an interactive session where everyone has the opportunity to participate and learn from the wealth of experience in the room.

What are the key outcomes?

Demonstrate the wider environmental impact of our built environment including the potential to add social value to our workforce, clients and wider communities. Collate key takeaways to feed back to B Corp so that we can take a multi sector approach to continuous improvement within the network and inform improvements to the accreditation process in order to smooth the path for future members.


26 spaces available

Session hosted by

Marian Ferguson

This session is being run multiple times. To help plan your agenda, these times are 13:30, 14:40 and 15:50 on Wednesday


St Anne's College
Seminar Room 5
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View full agenda
Time Name Hosted by Theme Audience Size
Wed, Sep 11
10:00 - 12:00 Morning session live and streamed from The New Theatre Leading the changeNow, togetherRegenerative futures 100 +
13:30 - 14:10 Building brave B Corp boards with The Good Board The Good Board Leading the change Up to 35
13:30 - 14:30 Empowering Change: Examples of Advocacy from the Better Business Act Coalition B Lab UK Leading the change 100 +
13:30 - 14:10 What does ‘Climate Justice’ mean anyway? From Ethnic Minority to Global Majority Purpose Union Leading the changeRegenerative futures Up to 35
14:40 - 15:20 Against all the Odds – becoming a B Corp within the Built Environment Energylab Consulting Ltd. Leading the change Up to 35
14:40 - 15:20 Building trust through transparent communications: Aligning ESG, DEI, and Corporate Messaging CommUnique Leading the change Up to 35
14:40 - 15:20 What does ‘Climate Justice’ mean anyway? From Ethnic Minority to Global Majority Purpose Union Leading the changeRegenerative futures Up to 35
14:40 - 15:20 What is a regenerative business? A co-creation workshop Forster Communications Leading the change 100 +
15:30 - 16:30 The Perils of Perfectionism: Greenwashing, Greenhushing, or genuine change? The Collective Dairy Leading the change 36 - 100
15:50 - 16:30 Recertification is the new certification: lessons learnt from Octopus and Kin+Carta Octopus Leading the change 100 +
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