Louder Than Words The B Corp Festival Sep 10 - 11. Oxford, UK Agenda Buy Tickets
Louder Than Words The B Corp Festival Sep 10 - 11. Oxford, UK.
Audience Size: 100 + View map Buy Tickets View full agenda

Big Relationships = Big Impact: Unleashing people power to deliver meaningful change

Hosted by: COOK Leading the change Audience Size: 100 + View map Buy Tickets View full agenda

What to expect?

Over 10 years as a B Corp, we’ve learned a lot at COOK about harnessing the power of relationships to create a bigger impact. The biggest wins are seldom (if ever) ours alone. They come from connecting powerfully with others around a shared vision and figuring out how we can all bring our unique gifts, resources and know-how to tackling a problem. This is where the real spirit of community lives. And from where the biggest opportunities for change emerge.

Whether it’s the people within our business, our suppliers, collaborators, even our customers — if we’ve got big ambitions (and we do!), then we need to nourish Big Relationships.

In this workshop we’ll take you through our simple model for Big Relationships and how you can apply it to your own team, challenge or opportunity and deliver meaningful change. Be ready to explore together how we can collectively deliver an even bigger impact by nourishing Bigger Relationships.

Why join this session?

If we want to go far, go together … So much of our potential as changemakers is tied up in our ability to nurture productive relationships with others. Yet we’re seldom given permission to put human connection first. At COOK we’ve created a £120m business and an award-winning workplace community of nearly 2,000 people by prioritising relationships. We’ve come to understand how everything – EVERYTHING – comes down to how we are together. As author EM Forster put it: Only Connect.

What are the key outcomes?

We intend everyone to go away feeling uplifted and inspired to focus more intentionally on Big Relationships. With an understanding of COOK’s Big Relationships model and examples of how it’s been used to create community and deliver impact. And, having started to explore how Big Relationships thinking can be applied to your own team, challenge, or opportunity to deliver positive change. Oh, and having made at least one new relationship in the room.


120 spaces available

Session hosted by

James Rutter, Rosie Brown, Andy Stephens & Sophie Bowen

This session is being run multiple times. To help plan your agenda, these times are 14:00, 15:10 and 16:20 on Tuesday


St Anne's College
Mary Ogilvie Theatre
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View full agenda
Time Name Hosted by Theme Audience Size
Tue, Sep 10
12:45 - 16:00 Walk the Talk Exhibition Growth Team Leading the change 100 +
14:00 - 14:40 Creative workshop: ‘Making the connection’ – how to bring sustainability into your brand story Nice and Serious Leading the change Up to 35
15:10 - 15:50 Big Relationships = Big Impact: Unleashing people power to deliver meaningful change COOK Leading the change 100 +
15:10 - 15:50 How about embodying purpose: confronting our narratives, changing our behaviours Opencast Leading the change Up to 35
15:10 - 15:50 Reframing diversity for genuine workplace inclusion Diversifying Group Leading the change 36 - 100
16:00 - 17:00 Your use of AI does more harm than good New Ways Leading the change 100 +
16:20 - 17:00 Creative workshop: ‘Making the connection’ – how to bring sustainability into your brand story Nice and Serious Leading the change Up to 35
16:20 - 17:00 How to Do Good: Active bystander intervention for cultural change Diversifying Group Leading the change 36 - 100
16:20 - 17:00 There is no regeneration without Disability liberation ThisAbility Limited Leading the change 36 - 100
16:20 - 17:00 Triangular Innovation: Powering progress through dynamic partnerships PANGAIA, Evrnu, Orta Leading the change Up to 35
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