Louder Than Words The B Corp Festival Sep 10 - 11. Oxford, UK Agenda Buy Tickets
Louder Than Words The B Corp Festival Sep 10 - 11. Oxford, UK.
Audience Size: 36 - 100 View map Buy Tickets View full agenda

Climate Scenario Analysis: What is it and how can it help us think differently about the impact of climate change on business?

Hosted by: Greenheart Regenerative futures Audience Size: 36 - 100 View map Buy Tickets View full agenda

What to expect?

The impact of the climate crisis is something many of us think about daily. But have you ever thought about the impact on your business in particular? Climate change is already affecting society, business operations and supply chains, and businesses need to prepare for the possible range of future scenarios, starting now. 

In this session, we will guide you through the process of CSA and start to explore how you can implement it within your business. This session will be helpful to all businesses, big or small. CSA can be adapted to suit your business needs, and it starts here. The second half of the session will be interactive, so prepare for some thought provoking conversations on what climate change could mean for your business.

Why join this session?

Scenario Analysis is nothing new and has been used by organisations to inform business strategy and decisions for decades. The climate crisis will be one of the biggest challenges businesses have ever had to navigate, and creating resilience to this will help to strengthen your position in the market. Not only does Climate Scenario Analysis help to identify climate related risks to your business, but also opportunities for supporting the climate transition.

What are the key outcomes?

As well as feeling inspired to use CSA as a tool to increase your business resilience to climate change and take advantage of opportunities that could come from it, you will leave the session with: An understanding of what CSA is and how it can be used to inform business decisions. An understanding of the importance of CSA as a tool in fighting the climate crisis. The ability to begin exploring CSA yourself, and what this might mean for your own business; how to begin implementing the concepts and thinking around CSA. An understanding of how CSA can be used as a tool for good and not just a reporting exercise.


38 spaces available

Session hosted by

Fern Spencer

This session is being run multiple times.

To help plan your agenda, these times are 13:30, 14:40 and 15:50 on Wednesday


Mathematical Institute
Lecture Theatre L6
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Time Name Hosted by Theme Audience Size
Wed, Sep 11
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15:50 - 16:30 Beyond carbon: how to engage your business with the nature agenda 3Keel Regenerative futures 36 - 100
15:50 - 16:30 What does ‘Climate Justice’ mean anyway? From Ethnic Minority to Global Majority Purpose Union Leading the changeRegenerative futures Up to 35
15:50 - 16:30 Who’s afraid of degrowth? Greenheart Regenerative futures Up to 35
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