Louder Than Words The B Corp Festival Sep 10 - 11. Oxford, UK Agenda Buy Tickets
Louder Than Words The B Corp Festival Sep 10 - 11. Oxford, UK.
Audience Size: 100 + View map Buy Tickets View full agenda

House of Hackney’s nature rights panel discussion

Hosted by: House of Hackney Regenerative futures Audience Size: 100 + View map Buy Tickets View full agenda

What to expect?

There is a growing grassroots movement where Nature is beginning to be seen as a stakeholder; where Nature is being given a voice within organisations.  We are in crisis because Nature has not been considered in our organisational decision making.  What are the new models of nature governance that can help make this world a better place for future generations?

Join House of Hackney co-founder Frieda Gormley, B Lab’s Nature Governance expert Daan van Apeldoorn and a panel of Nature on the Board pioneers to explore the movement of Nature governance and what it takes to join the wave of change.  You will learn about specific models of Nature governance, and take a deep dive into what it really means to have Nature as a Director.  Check out www.onboardingnature.com to get started with your journey to recognise nature as a stakeholder.

Why join this session?

To answer the question: “What if Nature really was the boss?”

What are the key outcomes?

  1. Give people an understanding of what Nature governance is, and the different models for onboarding Nature into an organisation
  2. Inspire people to onboard Nature into their own business by showcasing the House of Hackney and Faith In Nature experiences
  3. Signpost resources for people to start the process of onboarding Nature, through the pioneering work of Lawyers For Nature and the B Lab Onboarding Nature Toolkit.


110 spaces available

Session hosted by

Frieda Gormley – Co-founder, House of Hackney

Daan van Apeldoorn – Initiator ‘Onboarding Nature’ & Sr. Manager B Corp Impact & Engagement , B Lab 

Laura Ford – Director of Sustainability, Faith In Nature

Paul Powlesland – Co-founder, Lawyers for Nature

Daze Aghaji – Environmental Justice Consultant (Chair)


This session is being run twice.
To help plan your agenda, these times are 13:30 and 14:40 on Wednesday


Mathematical Institute
Lecture Theatre L3
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View full agenda
Time Name Hosted by Theme Audience Size
Wed, Sep 11
13:30 - 14:10 Beyond carbon: how to engage your business with the nature agenda 3Keel Regenerative futures 36 - 100
13:30 - 14:10 Climate Scenario Analysis: What is it and how can it help us think differently about the impact of climate change on business? Greenheart Regenerative futures 36 - 100
13:30 - 14:30 The road to net zero – we’re in this together Danone Regenerative futures 100 +
13:30 - 14:10 What does ‘Climate Justice’ mean anyway? From Ethnic Minority to Global Majority Purpose Union Leading the changeRegenerative futures Up to 35
14:40 - 15:20 Beyond carbon: how to engage your business with the nature agenda 3Keel Regenerative futures 36 - 100
14:40 - 15:20 Harnessing Business Power for Climate Action Notpla Limited Regenerative futures 36 - 100
15:50 - 16:30 Beyond carbon: how to engage your business with the nature agenda 3Keel Regenerative futures 36 - 100
15:50 - 16:30 Climate Scenario Analysis: What is it and how can it help us think differently about the impact of climate change on business? Greenheart Regenerative futures 36 - 100
15:50 - 16:30 From label to landfill – what’s in your clothes, how to look after them, and what happens at the end of their life. Bring an old pair of undies/socks to recycle and find out more! Y.O.U Underwear Regenerative futures 100 +
15:50 - 16:30 Who’s afraid of degrowth? Greenheart Regenerative futures Up to 35
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